Let's have a chat

Who we are

Alliance Community is Australia’s leading provider of premium community support. 

As part of Health Solutions Group Australia, we have offices across Australia and can offer support to you no matter where you live. Together, we have a collective 130 years’ experience recruiting Australia’s best team of nurses, aged care workers, disability support and other specialist support staff across the country.

Our management are healthcare experts with a long history in clinical roles, having worked in frontline care throughout their careers. It is this personal, first-hand experience and an in-depth knowledge of the industry that underpins the Alliance Community culture of support. Support at every level for our clients and our workforce. 

The centre of our universe is our people.  Without the best employees we couldn’t provide the industry's best support. That’s why our support workers are called Support Stars!


Delivering tailored support

We understand that no two people are the same and that’s why we focus on delivering tailored support packages; unique to you and your needs.

Regardless of location or type of support required, whether it’s house chores, community engagement, or high needs support, we can appropriately match one of our Support Stars to your needs.

We not only deliver premium care, we also want you to enjoy the process, and company, of having a Support Star assist you in remaining independent, active in your community, and living in your own home.

Our personalised support services are available to people of all ages and abilities including the elderly, respite for family members, or those returning home from hospital.


NDIS Expertise

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is here. How will funding work under the scheme, and what does it mean for you? We will work with you to identify supports you need to live the life you want. Supports may help you achieve goals in many aspects of your life, including independence, involvement in your community, education, employment and health and well-being. Click below to register a free one-on-one with our team of experts.


Let's have a chat about your needs