Chloe & Catherine

Chloe and Support Worker Catherine are the perfect match! Since their first shift together they became instant friends.

After a skiing accident in 2017, Chloe was left paralysed. Last year, Chloe and her partner received the surprising news they were expecting and welcomed their miracle daughter, Aurora.

Catherine has been there throughout Chloe’s journey, supporting her through the ups and downs. Catherine supports Chloe with her daily routine so Chloe can focus her time on being a new mum.

Catherine doesn’t feel like she’s at work when she visits, but like she’s spending time with a friend or sister. Whether it’s doing Chloe’s hair and makeup, taking her to the rugby or cleaning the house, Chloe and Catherine always enjoy the quality time they spend together.

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If you would like more information about booking a support worker, or would like to register for work with us, please get in touch!

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