

Trainee Recruitment Assistant

Max started working at Alliance Community in Sydney as a Trainee Recruitment Assistant in October 2020. Max assists people in launching their career as Support Stars, ensuring they have everything that is required to commence their roles. Max also guides our Support Stars through downloading and using our functional mobile app!

What drew Max to his role at Alliance Community?

“I had recently finished studying a Human Resources course and I was excited by the opportunity to learn from industry professionals. I love having the opportunity to get to know and talk to a wide variety of people each and every day.”

Max enjoys the variety of which this work offers and working with such an amazing and fun team!

What is Max’s advice for anyone looking to become a Support Star?

“The best piece of advice would be to come into the role with an open mind and a willingness to assist others to work towards their goals so that both you and your clients can succeed.

A fun fact about Max? Max enjoys using online tools to create digital art in his spare time!


إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول حجز نجم الدعم Star Support، أو كنت ترغب في التسجيل للعمل معنا، يرجى الاتصال بنا!

احجز نجم الدعم!

إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول حجز Star Support، فدعنا نتحدث عن احتياجاتك.

معرفة المزيد

انضم إلى فريقنا

هل تمتلك ما يلزم؟ كن نجم الدعم مع Alliance Community لإحداث فرق في مجتمعك.

كن نجم الدعم