

Support Worker

Meet Gabriella!

With over 10 years of experience as an aged care and disabilities support worker, Gabby has shined bright as a support worker at Alliance Community since 2016!

She has always been passionate about helping her family and friends throughout her life. She finds satisfaction in giving others the care and support they need.

“I really enjoy my work with true heart, and helping people by giving them respect and dignity, and just giving them the support they need.”

Gabby loves meeting so many different people she can learn from and share in part of their journey of life - not just clients but also her colleagues.

“You get to meet so many interesting people from all walks of life. I have never had a dull moment working with the great team and supportive coordinators, including other support workers. You gain so much respect and pride in your work.”

Gabby has had so many wonderful experiences with her clients over the years, she can’t pinpoint just one.

“I always make time with each client to sit and have a cup of tea, to have an inspirational conversation, especially during the challenging times that COVID has been.”

A highlight of being a support worker is knowing that she can inspire others to consider a career supporting others and their freedom of choice to maintain their dignity and independence in the community.

“This is a fantastic job and a great way to meet people if you love being around others. I have had so many wonderful clients over the years, and they are special and unique.”

Gabby, Alliance Community NSW


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احجز نجم الدعم!

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