

Support Worker

“My experience working alongside Alliance Community as a support worker has been nothing but rewarding and the best experience which I will keep with me for life.

I started working with Alliance Community at the start of 2019 after years in retail, and I haven’t looked back since.

I really wanted to give people the support and care which is vital to their everyday living.  Being able to support someone and make a positive difference in someone’s life is the most rewarding and life-changing experience, like no other.

I don't have one wonderful memory in particular because for me it's every day I get out of bed to go support someone, the fact that what I am doing has a real purpose and watching each one of my client's smiles is my favourite memory.

I love being a support worker because when I leave my client I know I have just helped better their life in some way - whether it’s by making them a cuppa, hanging out the washing or washing their hair. I love the fact that I can make the biggest positive impact on someone's life that really matters and this can be by doing something big or small.”

Cara, Alliance Community ACT


إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول حجز نجم الدعم Star Support، أو كنت ترغب في التسجيل للعمل معنا، يرجى الاتصال بنا!

احجز نجم الدعم!

إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول حجز Star Support، فدعنا نتحدث عن احتياجاتك.

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هل تمتلك ما يلزم؟ كن نجم الدعم مع Alliance Community لإحداث فرق في مجتمعك.

كن نجم الدعم